• SALVIA - ein inklusives Gartenbau-Unternehmen mit Kräutergärtnerei

    With SALVIA it is the aim of gemeinsam grün e.V. to establish an inclusive gardening cooperation with herb nursery to provide disabled people the opportunity to acquire their own livelihood and to be more independent from state subsidy.


    Since spring 2015 people with and without handicaps are working hand in hand in the 3 scopes of gemeinsam grün e.V. which are education, landscape gardening as well as care & cultivation.
    Right now we venture a crucial step forward – to become social cooperation, a company. We call this SALVIA and it should encompass an inclusive gardening cooperation with herb nursery.

    The idea of SALVIA was born out of our passion for fragrant plants and herbs, our pleasure to
    experimentalise, our curiosity in breaking new grounds and opportunities. We, that are gardeners, a landscape designer and a qualified social education worker with a great know-how in working with disabled people as well as working in the „green sector“, in landscaping and horticulture.

    For us inclusion starts, if people with handicaps earn her own livelihood and play an active role in his and her working and living environment.

    what could maybe be translated as:

    S ocial

    A ctive

    L ively

    V ersatile

    I nclusiv

    A cting

    In particular in the sector of education we can benefit from the extraordinary skills and capabilities of our employees. So we are planning workshops with the support of sign language respectively simple language. We rely on the peer-to-peer system and regard our colleagues as experts of their own live, which is marked by a lot of obstacles.


    Contact: Sabine Roßberg, kontakt(at)gemeinsamgruen-leipzig.de

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