• In Deaf Med

    In Deaf Med enables the inclusion in the medical field of people with hearing impairments.

    In Deaf Med enables the inclusion of people in the medical field of people with hearing impairments. Here, communication between doctor and patient takes place in sign language.

    In Deaf Med offers workshops to students at medical faculties in all the Federal states. We provide information through workshops about the needs, interests and wishes of hearing impaired people. Furthermore, we sensitise students in order to trigger private involvement and increase awareness of the problems experienced by the deaf.

    In Deaf Med has dedicated itself to promote and support the integration of sign language into the curriculum of universities.

    Moreover, deaf adolescents have the opportunity of undergoing an apprenticeship as  Dental Assistants. In Deaf Med has developed a professional sign language Encyclopaedia for Dental Assistants, which allows apprentices to understand the contents of the apprenticeship and enables them to complete the apprenticeship without having to fear communication barriers.

    The obligation for integration should not be on the side of the deaf. Without the willingness of hearing persons, integration of the deaf cannot work.

    For the deaf, this means that it is only possible through barrier-free communication to escape isolation and discrimination.

    Contact person: Marianela von Schuler Alarcon, Email

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