• fairTEiLBAR

    Saving edible food from beeing wasted and making it available for everybody - with a store, a bistro and a project kitchen all in one. That’s the idea of fairTEiLBAR in Münster.


    Foodwaste costs a huge amount of our global ressources and is one of our biggest climate issues. In addition to that also the numbers of poverty and world hunger forces us to a much better resource allokation. Now a days edible food gets wasted although a lot of people have a notable/vital interest in eating it.

    The fairTEILBAR wants to change this conflict/issue.

    In our store and bistro people can buy and enjoy fresh food, that has been saved from being tossed into garbage but still is delicious. And all this for the price of “pay what you consider as worthy”. In our project kitchen we will offer creative, educational workshops, based on our long-time experience (with sustainability).

    With fairTEILBAR we want to draw attention on a serious issue with a modern, new approach: how edible and delicious the tons of food are, that are wasted everyday at various parts of the food process chain. We show new opportunities for action by giving answers and providing practical solutions one-to-one to the people.


    Entering the program: March 2018, AndersGründer Duisburg

    Contact: Susanne Kemper, hallo(at)fairteilbar-muenster.de

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